24/7 Support number +62-851 0378 3005

About Us


Welcome to BALI,

Warmest greeting from Darshan Bali Tours & Adventures,

Darshan Bali Tours & Adventures is a Bali travel & event organizer specialist with experience creating, advising, organizing people on their holidays and adventures in Bali. We offer a unique range of Tours, Activities, Adventures and Experience learning in whole Bali. We also serve some tour packages beyond Bali Island like : Jogyakarta tour, Mount Ijen Trekking, Komodo dragon tour, Borneo tour and etc.

The Vision

Become leading Travel & Event Orgaizer in Bali and Beyond, Safe, Transparent, High Quality and Environmental Friendly as well as an active role in the development of Bali Tourism.

The Mission

  • Build a team of travel & event organizer with high quality, expert in their field and certified national or international.
  • Design, Create and implement a safe, fun, unique, newest programs according to national and international security standards.
  • Building and establishing good relationships with nature, community and all Bali tourism stake holder.
  • Providing the best service to lacal, national and international tourist.

The Motto

Born Co-Inspiring - All living things in the world are equipped with certain talents, with collaboration and complementary, they will achieve goals well.
We provide activities that contain learning elements such as team building, adventures, service, local immersion etc. Aim as a means for teachers to teach, develop and achieve curriculum goals. Students can learn in a different way and atmosphere, but achieve the same goals.

Programs and Activities Concern

Be Safe - Measure all the risk in every activity with risk management and ensure everything safe with certified staff.
Have Fun - Feeling or mood are crucial thing in learning process. We will encourage and boost positive energy to create fun activities and delivery.
Experience & learning something new - When safe and happy in place, there will be new experience and learning opportunity. Benefit to them and they can share to community.
We are believe, good company is representative with it’s services. We are working with friendly, knowledgeably and professional team based on original Balinese character: Simple, easy going and truth. Makes every client easy to understand our product, comfortable discussion, and deliver the real information with no hidden charge. Lets our services talk about our identity.


Let ’s go outdoor !!!

We also registered as a member of AELI (Association of Experiential Learning Indonesia), which is an organization that under the Department of Tourism and the Department of Employment, specifically oversee and foster the operator which is engaged in outdoor activity like adventure, camping and outbound.






Head office:

Jl. Subur Gg.Mirah Delima No.18A Monang - Maning Denpasar Bali
We recognize the need for convenience in a people busy life. Therefore, we provide a combination of suited toward their needs.

Sales Counter:

Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 24 Sanur, Denpasar-Bali
24-hour International Call Center at +62-85 103 783 005
Mobile &  WhatsApp(WA): +62-81 999 008 207
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://darshanbalitours.com/
On the Web: Facebook, Instagram